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  • Course Name-CT Web MCQ (XI + XII Combined
  • Created By-CT Physics
  • Price - ₹2998  ₹1499  50% OFF!
Course Description

After preparation of any chapter of Physics from XI-XII Syllabus, student should practice MCQ of the chapters in each section and thus, such MCQ practice is very essential specially for competitive examination.

1. Physical World and Measurement (MCQ) , 2. Vector (MCQ) , 3. Kinematics (MCQ) , 4. Laws of Force (MCQ) , 5. Work Power Energy (MCQ)

1. Properties of Matter (MCQ)

1. Gravitation (MCQ)

1. Thermal Physics - 1 (MCQ), 2. Thermal Physics - 2 (MCQ)

1. Oscillations and Waves (MCQ)

1. Electrostatics (MCQ), 2. Electrodynamics or Current Electricity (MCQ)

1. Ray Optics (MCQ), 2. Wave Optics (MCQ)

1. Modern Physics (MCQ), 2. Electronics (MCQ)